Winter Break Camp 2024

Register each of your children individually.   Choose between FULL DAY or HALF DAY camp

Weekdays 12/23-1/7. No camp on 12/25 or 1/1/25. (NO EXTENDED CARE AVAILABLE ON 12/24)

Full Day Camp 9:30A to 3P
Half Day Camp 9:30A – 12P
Ages 5-12 (sorry we can not accept 4 or younger)

Additional camps available for wheel thrown pottery and teens.




Choose your starting time

Drop off is 9:30am for campers. Early-care drop off is available at an additional charge.

Start Time

Afternoon After-care needed?

For full day campers and afternoon campers, pickup time is 3pm. After-care is available at an additional charge.

Depart Time *

Childs name? *

Childs Age? (Ages 6-12) *

Are there any medical, allergies or social concerns we need to be aware of?

Please list anything that should be considered. If there are none type “NONE”.

Other concerns *

Additional Authorized Pick Up Persons

List the full names of those in addition to yourself who may pickup your child from camp.

Additional Pickups

I have read ALL the camp policies and will comply

Please thoroughly read all the camp policies here and agree to keep with our policies.

Read & Agree to all polices *

I understand all camps are held at the 6850 Central Avenue in St Petersburg *

Weekdays 12/23-1/6. No camp on 12/25 or 1/1/25. (NO EXTENDED CARE AVAILABLE ON 12/24) Additional camps available for wheel thrown pottery and teens.

Full Day Camp 9:30A to 3P
Half Day Camp 9:30A - 12P
Ages 5-12 (sorry we can not accept 4 or younger)