Reschedule My Ticket

Life is Art. Live Yours in Color.


Use the form below to obtain a voucher.  voucher codes are used on the CHECKOUT page when you pay for an event. Simply enter your voucher code as a coupon to redeem your voucher. Your voucher will work on any public event or private party ticket

NOTE: You cannot request a voucher within 48 hours before an event. Vouchers are good for 90 days from the time they are generated.

Terms and Conditions

By opting to purchase, allocate or possess tickets to any Practically Pikasso event, you automatically agree to our terms of use. If you have problems with any of the clauses listed below or do not agree with the risk allocations mentioned here, please do not purchase tickets or try to enter the event premises.

All classes and special events at Practically Pikasso require a non-refundable deposit or payment in full with pre registration. In the case of event cancellation Due to government mandates, power outages or unsafe weather conditions, your deposit will be refunded in the form of a Practically Pikasso gift card.

Failure to show up or cancel with less than 48 hours notice may result in loss of payment. Class minimums and deposits are required in order for us to order proper supplies and provide proper staffing

By purchasing the event tickets, you automatically confirm that you/the attendee(s) are of the ‘minimum age’ or older, at the time of the event(s).

Please note that you purchase tickets on your own free will. As such, you do not have the right to initiate a chargeback claim or dispute on the provider of the credit card/debit card that had been used for the transaction.

The event service will be deemed to have been delivered in its entirety as soon as the event starts on the scheduled date and time. From that point on, no refund requests will be entertained.

Please note that Practically Pikasso reserves the right to make changes, revisions, and amendments, or add/remove sections from this set of terms and conditions – without any prior notifications to you. Such changes will be duly reflected on the website. These changes will relate back to the date of purchase of tickets.